Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Sports

It seems like this Spring has been especially wet and cold.  However, the kids are still going strong in their individual sports and we usually have at least one game per night during the week.  Regardless of how crazy it gets sometimes, there is no where we would rather be than watching them play.  Kobe is having a lot of fun in baseball thi season and really enjoys pitching.  He has a lot of friends of his team and they all are so good about cheering each other on and so far they have only lost 1 game.  Carly hit a homerun in softball and Peyton hit another one over the fence in center field so we are having a little sibling rivalry to see who can hit the most homeruns or who is the better pitcher, etc., etc. between all of them.  Madi is their little cheerleader and always loves going to their games.

Carly is also enjoying track and participated in the long jump at her first track meet and did a great job.

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