Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Madi's 1st soccer game

I have to say that watching 4 year olds play soccer is the cutest thing ever.  It is like a little cluster of cutesness following the ball wherever it goes, whether it is inside the field markers or not. This is Madi's first year at playing a sport and she was so excited to play. 

She has a couple friends and her cousin Kenna on the team as well so it makes it lots of fun for her and she looks forward to every Saturday.  She had a great time, got right in there trying to kick the ball and even scored a couple of goals.  If you notice from the pictures, she even acquired her Dads' and brothers' trait of biting their tongue when they are deep in concentration.  Those are some strong genes.

I have to say that she really cracks me up sometimes with the way her mind goes.  This is a conversation her and I had last night as I put her to bed....

Madi: Is college scary?

No....Well, why do you ask?

Because I don't know how to use a knife.

(At this point, my mind is racing trying to figure this one out!  I mean, really, does she mean as a weapon or what???  My mind kind of shuts down at night.  And then I got it....)  You mean cut with a knife?

Yes, I don't know how to cut my food like fruits and veggies.

Oh, well, we will work on that and you will learn lots more things as you go to kindergarten, grade school, middle school and high school.  You will learn a lot of things before you go to college so it won't be scary.

Oh, OK........  (sigh) ....good night.

I got a chuckle from this one.  Way to prepare ahead Madi.  You never know when cutting your own food will come in handy!!                                                             

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, cute conversation. I love that Madi. Funny Bart also bites his tongue when playing sports. Haven't noticed if any of my kids do.
