Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Break

 We went down to Hagerman for a few days during spring break and had a great time.  Even though the weather was not the best, the kids had a lot of fun doing a little sight seeing and visiting with the grandparents.  We took a drive up to the windmills and got to see first hand how big they really are.  The wind was blowing like crazy, especially at the base of the windmills (shocking there would be wind around windmills....hmmm) and the kids had a blast running around the base and feeling the force of the wind push them.

We also went to see the alligators,  Clear Springs fish hatchery, the sturgeon ponds (they also had golden trout) where they always try to grab their fins to see if they can get splashed, and of course swimming at the pool.  The kids always want to go back as soon as we get home and always remind us that we need to go see both grandparents, whom they adore. 

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