Thursday, March 24, 2011

If I Were President

As I was looking through Kobe's school papers this morning, I noticed this little booklet that he had made.  I love reading the kid's thoughts about things that I have never asked them.  And then I ask myself why I have never asked them that before!!  It is so great that school often makes them think outside the box and imagine things that they never thought possible.  Yes, Kobe, you could someday be the next President.  And just so you remember, I will add your thoughts from second grade on "If I Were President":

If I were President, the first thing I would do is :  look around the White House.  (What a logical answer!)
If I were President, I would help:  the poor. 
If I were President, I would travel to:  Ireland.  (That's where he wants to serve a mission too).
If I were President, I would have a pet:  Golden Eagle.  Named:  killer.
If I were President, I would pass a law that:  no doing drugs. 
If I were President, I would eat:  steak with onions on top. 

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