Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Peyton's First Game

The rain is really coming down today, but when I look outside all I see is the little green shoots from my daylilies!  I can't wait to get outside and start planting.  I miss the smell of grass after it is cut and getting my hands dirty in the garden.  In the meantime, we will play a lot of softball.  So fun to watch!!

Peyton had her first game this past week against Moutain View and it was freezing!!  However, it wasn't raining, so that is a plus.  Peyton played a great defensive game as short stop and we are looking forward to this week with 3 games. 

I found a amazing quote from Elder Neil A. Anderson about how we should be raising our children: 

"We hold in our arms the rising generation.  They come to Earth with important responsibilities and great spiritual capacities.  We cannot be casual in how we prepare them.  Our challenge as parents and teachers is not to create a spiritual core in their souls but rather to fan the flame of their spiritual core already aglow with the fire of their premortal faith."

I think sometimes I get so caught up in "raising" them (their physical needs) that I don't take enough time to simply make sure that they are fed spiritually everyday.  They live in a world that surrounds them with such negative feedback that it is vital for me to really instill in them a great sense of spiritual worth.  The faith of a child is an amazing thing and I ask myself, "What am I doing to increase their faith?"  What an amazing responsibility, but one that I gladly accept.  It makes my heart big to see the sparkle in their eyes, their huge smiles and to share in their joy of all the little things that we as adults seem to forget.  Thanks to my kiddos for bringing me daily joy and lots of good times.  I hope that I can make you realize how amazing you are and the many things that you are capable of.
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  1. Did Peyton win or lose? It's so great you have the blog now.Love showing the kids their cousins and what you guys are up to.

  2. They lost, but beat Capital yesterday and play Eagle tonight.
