Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our First Pinewood Derby

We had the fun experience of being part of our first pinewood derby last night.  Kobe was super excited  and I am pretty sure Dad was a little nervous as well.  After all, there was a lot of thought, time and preparation put into that little car!  Unfortunately, I can't say that we took first place (however, we didn't place last either so that is a good thing), but it sure was a great time and it was a lot of fun to see how excited the boys were as they watched their car race down the track.  I think the Dad's are just as competitive as the boys are!! 

 I have to say that I think I got the biggest kick out of seeing Jason put so much interest into helping Kobe build his car.  There were a couple of nights that he stayed up late hand painting the stripes and making sure things were "just right".  We are blessed to have such a great Dad who loves unconditionally and  would do anything for us. 
                                                   ( The red and white car is Kobe's)

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1 comment:

  1. Good job on your first car Jason. Nine pine wood derby cars later Bart is happy to get a two year break before its time for Carson to do it.
