Thursday, May 19, 2011


I am a little behind on my blogging, so I will try and catch up much as possible in the near future.  So back a few weeks to Easter......

The kids absolutely love Easter and the fact that they get to go to their grandparents and have huge egg hunts with their cousins.  They know that they each get a "special egg" from Grandma and Grandpa which makes it even sweeter.  It is a fun time to see all of our relatives and we ended up with great weather this year, so we all had a fabulous time. 

 I love Easter and the time of reflection that we get to remember Christ and his sacrifice for us.  As we talk about it with our children, they amaze me with their knowledge of the resurrection and I see the love that they feel towards our Savior.  Madison was able to tell us the entire story one Sunday after hearing it from her Primary teachers.  How grateful I am for the teachers that each one of my children have.  I know it is often a thankless calling.  And, I am so grateful for a loving family on both sides.  I got extremely lucky when I married into Jason's family!

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