Friday, May 27, 2011

Birthday Time!

This month brought us a couple of birthdays....mine and Peyton's.  I had a great birthday with Jason and the kids spoiling me and a lot of friends making it fun for me.  I got to go to lunch a couple of times and my friend Holli even made us an amazing dinner and brought it over.  I am super lucky to have such a great family and wonderful friends.

Peyton turned 15!! One more year and she can start dating.  Not good.  We woke up everyone super early so that she could open presents before school since the day was super busy. (Plus, she wanted to wear her new clothes to school).  I picked up Winger's for dinner (then off to Young Women's and softball) and then had her yummy 4 layer Heath bar ice cream cake before bed.  Kobe and Madison even sang her a special song that they learned just for her.  Too cute.  I think she had a great time and knows how much we love her!

This was some serious yumminess going on!!

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