Thursday, August 11, 2011

A little behind!

Summer is really flying by and it is stressing me out!!  Yes, it will be good to be back on a schedule but at the same time, it won't.  That doesn't really make sense, but that's how I feel.  So much has gone on over these past few weeks and I have a lot of pictures, so there might be a little overload.   Kobe and the girl's wrapped up baseball and softball the same weekend.  We have loved watching each of them develop into better players and are proud of the hard work and effort that they have put in this summer. Kobe's team won the U9 Regionals, which was amazing.  Way to go Kobe!!  He got a way cool trophy and since I was in McCall at the girl's tournament, I didn't get to take any pictures of him, but I will be getting some from another mom, so I will post those later.  Peyton's team took 3rd and Carly's team got knocked out a little early, but they all played great and we had a good "girl's weekend".  They were not too thrilled about being stuck in a "smoking" room in at the hotel, but hey, the price was right and it was the only one left in the entire town, so that's what we got.  It was either that or sleep in the car!  I will take a bed and shower anyday.

And I promise you won't develop lung cancer from staying there the one night.  
No matter what you have heard.
Trust me on this one.

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