Friday, August 12, 2011

Sand Dunes

I forgot to post about our little day trip to Grandma's with a stop at the Sand Dunes.  We woke up one morning and decided to venture down for the day and surprise Grandma and so we loaded up and off we went.  The sands dunes were roasting hot and a bit desolate (shocking I know), but the kid's were adventurous and decided to hike to the top of  a huge dune.  I have to say that we had sand in places you shouldn't have sand.  Carly was even dumping handfuls out of her pockets.  Madison wanted nothing to do with the hot sand so her and I just took pictures.

While at Grandma's, we decided to pick cherries from her two cherry trees that were loaded.  I think we played more than anything, but we had a great time!  Sometimes it is fun to do things spur of the moment and this was definately one of them.
Who is picking cherries??

America's next Top Model's

I don't think we want to know......

Our fabulous Mom & Grandma
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