Sunday, August 14, 2011

Taking Pictures

Recently, when we were down at my Mom's house, Peyton and Carly begged me to take some individual pictures of them to replace the outdated one's on our wall, so we grabbed Aunt Mindy and off we went.  It was a bit windy and the sun was going down, so we really had to hurry, but we got some keepers.  At least I thought so.  The girl's are not so sure, but I think they are beautiful.  What can I say, I am the mom and always think they look beautiful.  Thanks to Aunt Mindy for being the assistant and fixing hair, clothes, etc.!!

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Sand Dunes

I forgot to post about our little day trip to Grandma's with a stop at the Sand Dunes.  We woke up one morning and decided to venture down for the day and surprise Grandma and so we loaded up and off we went.  The sands dunes were roasting hot and a bit desolate (shocking I know), but the kid's were adventurous and decided to hike to the top of  a huge dune.  I have to say that we had sand in places you shouldn't have sand.  Carly was even dumping handfuls out of her pockets.  Madison wanted nothing to do with the hot sand so her and I just took pictures.

While at Grandma's, we decided to pick cherries from her two cherry trees that were loaded.  I think we played more than anything, but we had a great time!  Sometimes it is fun to do things spur of the moment and this was definately one of them.
Who is picking cherries??

America's next Top Model's

I don't think we want to know......

Our fabulous Mom & Grandma
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Dunn Family

I had to opportunity to take some pictures of my sister and her beautiful family recently and so I wanted to post a few.  I have to say that between a husband who hates taking pictures (yes, I am talking about you Jeff) and 2 adorable little boys full of lots of energy, we only got 1 family picture that turned out. 

Out of 220 pictures. 

No joking. 
And we still aren't 100% sold on it.

A professional I am not :).

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A little behind!

Summer is really flying by and it is stressing me out!!  Yes, it will be good to be back on a schedule but at the same time, it won't.  That doesn't really make sense, but that's how I feel.  So much has gone on over these past few weeks and I have a lot of pictures, so there might be a little overload.   Kobe and the girl's wrapped up baseball and softball the same weekend.  We have loved watching each of them develop into better players and are proud of the hard work and effort that they have put in this summer. Kobe's team won the U9 Regionals, which was amazing.  Way to go Kobe!!  He got a way cool trophy and since I was in McCall at the girl's tournament, I didn't get to take any pictures of him, but I will be getting some from another mom, so I will post those later.  Peyton's team took 3rd and Carly's team got knocked out a little early, but they all played great and we had a good "girl's weekend".  They were not too thrilled about being stuck in a "smoking" room in at the hotel, but hey, the price was right and it was the only one left in the entire town, so that's what we got.  It was either that or sleep in the car!  I will take a bed and shower anyday.

And I promise you won't develop lung cancer from staying there the one night.  
No matter what you have heard.
Trust me on this one.

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