Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our cute dancer.....

At the beginning of the school year, Carly decided to try out for the Sawtooth Sabercats school dance team. This is her first year in Middle School (6th grade) and she really wanted to be involved in a school team of some sort. Sixth graders are limited to what teams they can participate in, so this was one that she was excited about. Carly took ballet when she was 5 (and hated it), so this came as a little shock to me. However, she was determined to succeed and made the dance team. She loves it, and she has been such a trooper all year. They practice twice a week at 6:30 am and not once have I heard her grumble or complain. I think that says a lot about her dedication!! She is doing an amazing job and she is a lot of fun to watch when they perform. Here are just a few pictures from a couple of performances.

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