Monday, February 28, 2011

To Be A Kid Again

It always amazes me how kids seem to be immune to the cold weather.  It can be 30 degrees outside and they will be outside playing and saying how hot it is.  It never fails that I will hear "Can I take my jacket off?" from at least one of my kids.  Or, I just find them without one on.  I, however, am always freezing.  I am always wearing my slippers around the house and can usually be found with a sweatshirt on as well.  I think I am beginning to show my age.  The other day, I looked outside in the freezing cold to see Madi (at least she had put a jacket on) twisting herself up in the swing and then spinning around and around with her hair flying.  Hmmm...brings back some fun memories of my own childhood.  I also noticed that she was wearing my senior prom dress.  The girls have always used it to play dress up and they call it "the wedding dress".  We just wrapped a rubber band around the excess in the back to make it fit and away they go.  It makes giggle to see her in it.  My mother will be so happy to see that we have gotten a lot of use out of it. 
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