Monday, February 28, 2011

To Be A Kid Again

It always amazes me how kids seem to be immune to the cold weather.  It can be 30 degrees outside and they will be outside playing and saying how hot it is.  It never fails that I will hear "Can I take my jacket off?" from at least one of my kids.  Or, I just find them without one on.  I, however, am always freezing.  I am always wearing my slippers around the house and can usually be found with a sweatshirt on as well.  I think I am beginning to show my age.  The other day, I looked outside in the freezing cold to see Madi (at least she had put a jacket on) twisting herself up in the swing and then spinning around and around with her hair flying.  Hmmm...brings back some fun memories of my own childhood.  I also noticed that she was wearing my senior prom dress.  The girls have always used it to play dress up and they call it "the wedding dress".  We just wrapped a rubber band around the excess in the back to make it fit and away they go.  It makes giggle to see her in it.  My mother will be so happy to see that we have gotten a lot of use out of it. 
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Playing Some Hoops

Kobe has been lucky enough to play with the same group of boys for a couple of years now.  They have played baseball, football, and basketball together and love, love, love playing whatever sport they can seem to sign up for.  After basketball season was over this year, they decided to stay together and play a few all star teams around town and some tournaments.  We are so lucky to have amazing dad's who will take the time to run them all over to the church and practice whenever they have time or volunteer to coach one of their many teams.  Kobe loves to play and will come home from school and shoot hoops outside until it is either dark or too cold to stay out any longer.  It is so fun to watch him as he learns new skills and see how aggressive he is on the court.  
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Our cute dancer.....

At the beginning of the school year, Carly decided to try out for the Sawtooth Sabercats school dance team. This is her first year in Middle School (6th grade) and she really wanted to be involved in a school team of some sort. Sixth graders are limited to what teams they can participate in, so this was one that she was excited about. Carly took ballet when she was 5 (and hated it), so this came as a little shock to me. However, she was determined to succeed and made the dance team. She loves it, and she has been such a trooper all year. They practice twice a week at 6:30 am and not once have I heard her grumble or complain. I think that says a lot about her dedication!! She is doing an amazing job and she is a lot of fun to watch when they perform. Here are just a few pictures from a couple of performances.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well, I have finally done it! I figured it was time that I started documenting the little moments in life that I always hope to remember, but usually tend to forget. It is my hope that this will become a journal of sorts for our family and friends to enjoy and stay in touch. I am still working out the kinks and trying to figure out how all of this works, but I imagine that will all happen in due time. So, the story begins. Now I just have to figure out how to upload pictures.....