Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Missing Banana Cream Pie

One of the funniest moments from Easter was looking out the kitchen window at Jason's parents house and seeing Jason and Jeff chowing down on the banana cream pie that their Mom had baked and that was missing from the counter.  They had taken the entire pie outside and were like two little kids trying not to get caught!!  The pictures are horrible because I was taking them through the window trying not to be seen, but you get the idea.  We were all getting quite show!

OOPS!!  We were caught!!

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Father's Day

I know, I know, it has been 6 months since I last posted!!  And, a lot has happened since then.  Sooo, I will try and get things caught up over the next little bit.  I said TRY.  No promises.  The kids keep throwing out hints every once and a while that I need to get things updated. 
Anyhow, we had a fabulous Father's Day with our fabulous super dad.  We are super lucky to have such an amazing father in our home.  Jason is truly a one of a kind dad who makes us all laugh and teaches us so much every day. He is a great example to the kids and we are so grateful for him!! We got to have a yummy steak dinner with the Dunn family and enjoyed hanging out together and eating way too much food! 

The way we really are!!

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