Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Memorial Day

I have always had a lot of memories centering around Memorial Day.  Growing up, we would go with Mom, Grandma and Grandpa and sometimes Aunt's and cousin's to decorate graves.  It always took all day because we had to go to several towns to make sure we get all of the graves decorated.  We would always have lunch in Buhl at the Artic Circle and we always cut buckets and buckets of fresh peonies to take to all of the graves.  Now that I live farther away and the kids have sports going on, it seems like we are never able to get down there, but I have tried to teach our kids the importance of Memorial Day and hope that I am getting them to think about those who have died defending our country and those relatives that they will again see someday.  Jason and I think of our Dad's  often and am glad to have this day to honor them and relive fun memories. 

Jason and I were able to take our kids down to Eagle to see the flag memorial they have set up.  What an amazing feeling it is to just see all of these flags that are set up as a memorial for those soldiers from Idaho who have died in the line of duty.  As you can see, some of us weren't feeling it.  I love that Madi had her hand over her heart in all of the pictures.

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