Sunday, June 26, 2011

ragnar relay

I recently had the opportunity to compete in the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay with some awesome friends who are all amazing runners.  We had a great time and some funny moments that got us laughing so hard we couldn't stop.  When you are going on 45 minutes of sleep, normal things somehow become quite hilarious, especially at 2:30 in the morning.  The race was just under 200 miles and we had a team of 12 runners that each ran 3 different legs. We had great weather and a super fun time.  We ended up placing 8th in our division and 12th overall, so not too shabby for a bunch of mom's!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tis the Season for Sports!

Wow, it seems like we just go from one sport to the other.  Or, in Kobe's case, we play three at one time.  Makes for a crazy busy week.  Fortunately, we are now down to one sport each as I write this post, so we are getting back to normal.  Well, as normal as we get around here.  Anyhow, here are a few pictures from Kobe's 3 on 3 basketball tournament (they won the championship game)and Rocky Mountain football camp.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Madison graduated from preschool last month (yes, I am a little behind) and is on her way to Kindergarten!  She was very excited and they gave us a great performance.  Madison loved going to school with her cousin Braxton, and her friends Kaden and Savannah.  I have to say that carpool was pretty humorous at times with all of the little comments that they came up with. 

Our cute cousin and nephew, Braxton

The Dunn Family

Best friends Kaden, Braxton, Madi and Savannah

Our cute little graduate.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Memorial Day

I have always had a lot of memories centering around Memorial Day.  Growing up, we would go with Mom, Grandma and Grandpa and sometimes Aunt's and cousin's to decorate graves.  It always took all day because we had to go to several towns to make sure we get all of the graves decorated.  We would always have lunch in Buhl at the Artic Circle and we always cut buckets and buckets of fresh peonies to take to all of the graves.  Now that I live farther away and the kids have sports going on, it seems like we are never able to get down there, but I have tried to teach our kids the importance of Memorial Day and hope that I am getting them to think about those who have died defending our country and those relatives that they will again see someday.  Jason and I think of our Dad's  often and am glad to have this day to honor them and relive fun memories. 

Jason and I were able to take our kids down to Eagle to see the flag memorial they have set up.  What an amazing feeling it is to just see all of these flags that are set up as a memorial for those soldiers from Idaho who have died in the line of duty.  As you can see, some of us weren't feeling it.  I love that Madi had her hand over her heart in all of the pictures.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another Season of Softball Completed

Carly has wrapped up another season of league softball.  She was also the Florida Gator's, so that was fun to be the same team as Kobe.  Carly got to try her hand at pitching this year and did a great job.  She was always composed at the mound and never got frustrated when things weren't going well, which I think is an amazing trait.  She also played catcher again this year and 3rd base as well.  She has really come to love playing softball and looks forward to playing again soon.  Great job Carly, you did awesome!!

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We Are The Champions!

Kobe's baseball team (Florida Gators) recently won the championship for their league.  He was so excited and they were so fun to watch as they are all so competitive.  He recieved a sweatshirt and a nice bat bag which sweetened the deal.  Kobe has learned a lot this past season and has really become a good little player.   He claims that it is his third favorite sport behind football and basketball, but you would never know it to watch him play.  He puts his heart into it and always gives one hundred percent.  Way to go Kobe!

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

U2 Concert

Jason and I went to the U2 concert with a couple of our friends (Scoresby's and Hammond's) and had an amazing time.  It was held at the University of Utah Stadium and was awesome!!  The concert was soooo good and the weather was perfect.  We all had a great time and I have to say that U2 sounds as great as they did 20 years ago.  Unfortunately, my pictures didn't turn out great so I only have a couple worth posting, but it we had lots of fun and a great little getaway.  Thanks to my mom for helping out with the kids, they loved having her here.

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