Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tablerock Hike

A couple of weeks ago we took a hike to the top of Tablerock with all of the kids and our fabulous friends the Stiles.  We had a great time and the kids loved it!!  It is about a two mile hike and they were all troopers.  The caves at the top were a big hit and they had a great time exploring.  It was the perfect family outing!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Missing Banana Cream Pie

One of the funniest moments from Easter was looking out the kitchen window at Jason's parents house and seeing Jason and Jeff chowing down on the banana cream pie that their Mom had baked and that was missing from the counter.  They had taken the entire pie outside and were like two little kids trying not to get caught!!  The pictures are horrible because I was taking them through the window trying not to be seen, but you get the idea.  We were all getting quite show!

OOPS!!  We were caught!!

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Father's Day

I know, I know, it has been 6 months since I last posted!!  And, a lot has happened since then.  Sooo, I will try and get things caught up over the next little bit.  I said TRY.  No promises.  The kids keep throwing out hints every once and a while that I need to get things updated. 
Anyhow, we had a fabulous Father's Day with our fabulous super dad.  We are super lucky to have such an amazing father in our home.  Jason is truly a one of a kind dad who makes us all laugh and teaches us so much every day. He is a great example to the kids and we are so grateful for him!! We got to have a yummy steak dinner with the Dunn family and enjoyed hanging out together and eating way too much food! 

The way we really are!!

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Family Pictures

Time for new family pictures!! 

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BSU here we come!!

Recently, Kobe's club basketball team (The Slam) had the opportunity to play during half time at a BSU basketball game.  They were all soooo excited and Kobe was thrilled beyond words.They even got a few free things to take home!  The crowd loved watching them play and Kobe was a scoring machine with six of the the eight points. 

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 I am posting this after Christmas, so it is a bit odd to be thinking about Halloween, but I couldn't leave it out!!  The kids were just as cute as ever and we had a lot of fun walking around the neigborhood filling our bags.  They always end up with so much candy!!  It is a wonder they have any teeth left from eating all that sugar.  We had a great time at the ward trunk or treat party the night before too.  I think they went around more than once...or twice...maybe 4 times.  Really, who was counting. 

Our  cute cowgirl!

Scary Zombie Face!!

What cute babies!! 
Carly, Makayla and Emily

Too old for a costume, but never too old to carve pumpkins!!

Madison and her friend Savanah

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End of Football Season

Even though we are now well into basketball season, I wanted to post some pictures from Kobe's football season.  They had a great year and went undefeated.  I can even begin to express how much he loves, loves, loves, football!!  He will often come home from school and write up plays just like his dad and then discuss them with him when he gets home.   He is very knowledgeable about the game and often times I will catch him watching videos on the computer of different high school and college teams or watching ESPN highlights just to pick up ideas and techniques.  We love watching him play and give 100% every game.

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