Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kobe's 9th Birthday

Last month brought Kobe's 9th birthday.  That day was just plain crazy so we started opening presents at 7:00 am before Dad and the girl's headed to school, I brought him McDonald's for lunch at school, we had the Rocky game that night, his football game the next morning and finished with cake that night!! There is nothing better than a two day birthday celebration.  He was such a good sport about the entire thing and never complained once.  I have to say that he is the best boy in the entire world.  We love him to pieces and he is such a joy in our family.  We love you Kobe and can't wait to see what the next nine years bring.  Some of his favorites are:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Funny Movies
Soft Shell Tacos
Hanging with his Buddies
Peanut Butter Cookies
Spending Time in Hagerman

The one gift he has been asking for .....A mini hoop with a breakaway backboard.

Oreo, Chocolate, Caramel and Heath Bar Ice Cream Cake. 
 Pretty Yummy!

Kobe and his good friend Ty.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Madison's 5th Birthday

Madison's 5th birthday was so exciting and fun for her.  It always amazes me now fast time goes and how quickly she is growing up. 
I love her sweet smile,
 her never ending laughs,
her dancing skills,
the way she speak different languages (she says it is Chinese and Spanish) that we don't understand,
her kindness,
the way she wakes up happy every morning,
the way she always says how much she love me,
her beautiful blue eyes,
the way she still sucks her thumb when she thinks I am not watching,
the way she compliments people,
her love for everything sparkly and pretty,
her amazing imagination,
and just plain everything about her.

She got the barbie she wanted and a cute little apron that Carly made for her so that she can help me cook.  Carly is always so thoughtful that way!!  She wanted an ice cream cake on the outside and chocolate on the inside so I made it look like a melting ice cream cone as the decoration.  She thought it turned out very cool.  Madison, we all love you so much.  Happy Birthday!
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