Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nearing the End of Baseball/Softball

Well, our summer season of baseball and softball is winding down.  Kobe's team won the U9 State Championship (WooHoo!!) so they are headed to Regionals which will be held in Meridian this coming week.  OK, really it started today, but I am just now getting this posted, so we will pretend that I am posting this right after this happened.  Story of my life. Peyton's team won the Boise Police Tournament this last weekend as well, so all in all it was a great weekend.  Peyton hit the winning run so that was a lot of fun to see. 
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Peyton and Carly both play in McCall this next weekend, so I will definately be posting pictures of Carly rocking her softball skills as well.  Madison is so good to run around to all of the games while never complaining and has made many friends with all of he kids who follow their siblings around as well.  We love being active and while I will be glad to have some down time, I am glad that the kids have had an opportunity to really keep active and make great friendships through sports.  I really love watching them play and grow because it is going so fast and I know that they love it so much.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Softball !

Peyton has been playing on the Grizzly All Star team this summer and just getting a lot of softball this summer.  They recently played in a Boise tournament and thought I would post a few pictures.  She has really progressed and is working really hard on technique and improving her game.

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